Quadra Solutions - Distributor of Year 2023-2024

Quadra Solutions reigned supreme after yet another competitive year between all the distributors!

Congratulations to Quadra Solutions!

Quadra Solutions Logo

Quadra Solutions has been at the forefront of PCB design assistance with a prestigious reputation, spanning many decades, for delivering high-level software, support, training, and design services to many customers. We spoke to Quadra to learn about the steps it takes to become a top-tier distributor and their ambitions to ensure future success.

How Do You Feel to Have Won eCADSTAR’s Distributor of the Year 2023–24?

At Quadra, we are ecstatic to win the Distributor of the Year award for another year. Our team’s dedication and hard work ensure that our customers receive the best support possible. We greatly appreciate this recognition of our efforts.

What Do You Think Helped Quadra to Win the Distributor of the Year Award?

We have an excellent team at Quadra. Our administrative team works tirelessly to arrange all the action behind the scenes, our sales team supports each customer diligently to ensure the best possible service, and, of course, our Technical Support aftercare team is always on standby to assist our customers.

What Specific Achievements or Milestones Led to Your Company Being Recognized, for Another Year, as the Distributor of the Year?

Being recognized as the Distributor of the Year more than nine times, since 1999, reflects our ongoing commitment and consistent performance. Our team has been instrumental in achieving this honour.

Each year, we strive to enhance our service offerings and refine our strategies, which has led to sustained success and recognition in the industry.

How Will Quadra Celebrate Being the Distributor of the Year 2023–24?

Celebrating this achievement involves more than just acknowledgment; it’s about building on the momentum of our past successes. Our celebration is twofold: internally, we will recognize and thank our team for their hard work and externally, we will continue to enhance our services and support.

By refining our comprehensive offerings, we aim to support our customers’ evolving design needs, thereby reinforcing our commitment to their success.

What are Quadra’s Plans to Ensure Future Success as a Distributor and in General?

Looking forward, our strategy to ensure sustained success as a distributor involves maintaining a close connection with our clients. We plan to regularly engage with them to provide updates on the latest advancements and feature enhancements.

This ongoing dialogue helps us to adapt our services to meet their changing needs and ensures that we continue to offer relevant and effective solutions. Moreover, we are committed to staying at the forefront of technological developments in our field, which will enable us to support our clients’ ambitions and contribute to their success in the dynamic market landscape.

Should You Want to Learn More About Quadra Click the Button Below:

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Once more, eCADSTAR congratulates Quadra Solutions for their fantastic efforts and we wish you many more years of success to come!

About Quadra Solutions

Quadra Solutions
Quadra SolutionseCADSTAR Distributor of the Year 2023-24
Quadra Solutions are a leading distributor in the UK, Scandinavia, and Benelux of Zuken’s PCB Design software, eCADSTAR. They provide consultancy, training, and technical support and house one of the largest PCB Design bureaux in the UK. Quadra works closely with our customers to ensure they receive a friendly, unrivalled service.

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