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Giugno 10, 2024
eCADSTAR 2024.0 Release

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L'aggiornamento 2024.0 introduce nuovi miglioramenti e funzionalità progettati per agevolare il processo di progettazione dei PCB.
  • Biblioteca Video
Giugno 16, 2023
IDX for PCB Design Teamwork

eCADSTAR can automatically detect incremental designs and display the difference the IDX import will introduce giving you complete control to approve or reject the proposed changes.

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IDX is great for team working on a PCB design allowing for designers to individually work and collectively review their changes
Giugno 12, 2023
Configure and Generate Manufacturing Output Script
This creates a basic netlist, showing component reference designators and pins, and the nets and variants that include them.
  • Biblioteca Video
Giugno 06, 2023
Add PCB Teardrops to Improve Bare-Board PCB Yield

One of teardrops uses are help strengthen the connections between the traces and pads on a PCB by reducing the stress on copper tracks. Click here to learn more about more benefits

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Learn how to apply PCB teardrops to your PCB designs using eCADSTAR, and the benefits of using them such as improved stability and durability
  • Biblioteca Video
Febbraio 14, 2023
Schematic Hierarchical Blocks for Pain-free PCB Design Re-use

Multi-instanced hierarchy in PCB design makes work easier to re-use and review.

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Schematic hierarchical blocks are fantastic at saving you time and solidifying design integrity
  • Biblioteca Video
Febbraio 14, 2023
Why Characteristic Impedance Matters

Jane Berrie explores how to calculate characteristic impedance, and how important it is to your PCB designs

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Characteristic impedance is one of the most vital parameters when looking at transmission lines
  • Biblioteca Video
Settembre 14, 2022
3D Model Management, MCAD, ECAD

eCADSTAR semplifica la gestione 3D e l'interazione MCAD/ECAD

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esamineremo i possibili miglioramenti nella gestione 3D con controlli tra oggetti meccanici ed elettronici in eCADSTAR.
Migration from CADSTAR to eCADSTAR hero iamge
  • Biblioteca Video
Agosto 24, 2022
Migration of CADSTAR to eCADSTAR

Fate clic sul pulsante sottostante per guardare

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Massimo Lupi mostrerà come trasferire facilmente i dati di progettazione da CADSTAR a eCADSTAR
Set Component Position Hero image 3rd party community app
  • 3rd Party Apps
Febbraio 08, 2022
Set Component Position
3rd Party Apps
Save and Restore the component locations in a PCB design
Fill Layout Frame feature 3rd party community app
  • 3rd Party Apps
Febbraio 08, 2022
Fill Layout Frame
3rd Party Apps
Add frame information to your PCB design and speed up the documentation production
Add property Text PCB Feature Image 3rd party community app
  • 3rd Party Apps
Febbraio 08, 2022
Add Property Text to PCB
3rd Party Apps
This interactive app speeds up documentation production and support variants
Differential Pair Feature
  • Biblioteca Video
Febbraio 01, 2022
Differential Pairs

Discover how to effectively use differential pairing and why it's more commonly used in high-speed design than traditional single-ended connections

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Differential pairing is a vital technique for high-speed designs
Reinforcing vias eCADSTAR Video
  • Biblioteca Video
Gennaio 05, 2022
Reinforcing Vias

Reinforcing vias make it easier to edit your design and avoid errors along the way, click here to learn more.

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Reinforcing / Stitching vias connect conductor areas on different PCB layers together in definable patterns. They provide a number of benefits to your...
Electrical Net eCADSTAR Video
  • Biblioteca Video
Gennaio 05, 2022
Electrical nets (E-nets)

Learn more about E-nets and their impact on high-speed design.

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Electrical Nets (E-nets) are in most modern high-speed designs and describe a complete DC or AC current path, watch to learn more!
SnapEDA Action Snapshot
  • Biblioteca Video
Dicembre 08, 2021
Design Electronics in a Snap

Using eCADSTAR’s embedded internet access, PCB designers can search and download from SnapEDA’s library of electronic component models.

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The models include symbols, footprints, and 3D models that can be placed directly into your design.
  • Biblioteca Video
Novembre 19, 2021

Vi presentiamo l’ambiente eCADSTAR per la gestione delle interferenze tra meccanica e PCB 

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Live Webinar: Giovedì 16 Dicembre 2021 – 10:30am CET